
Why does it say "Lechu Na"?


Radak: If you think that 1 will not destroy My Bayis due to your deeds - see what I did to Shilo! I destroyed it and removed My Shechinah from it, and the Aron was exiled from it and was with the Pelishtim, and I was not concerned for My honor, since [Yisrael] disgraced Me. So I will do to this Bayis!


Why does it say "Asher Shachanti Shmi Sham ba'Rishonah"?


Malbim: It was more fixed [for Shechinah than the Bayis 1 ], and I destroyed it. All the more so I will destroy the Bayis! Regarding the Bayis it says only "Asher Nikra Shmi Alav" (verse 11), because the Shechinah already left through your sins.


Malbim did not explain why it was more fixed.

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