
What is the meaning of "to the right and to the left"?


Rashi: It cannot be to the right and left of Pesach [ha'Devir]. If so, some were in the north, and the Torah said "Al Yerech ha'Mishkan Negbah" (Shemos 40:24)! Rather, Moshe's was in the middle; five were to the right, and five to the left. Malbim - perhaps this refers also to the Shulchanos; there were five to the right of Moshe's, and five to the left.


What flower is discussed?


Rashi: It is the flower (Radak - flowers) on the Menorah.


What are "ha'Melkachayim"?


Rashi: They are [tweezers] to remove the wicks from the oil.


Ramban (Shemos 25:38): They are lids to cover the lamps, to prevent things from falling into the oil.


Why does it mention the flower, Melkachayim and lamps?


Malbim (from Menachos 28a): Because it was of gold, it needed flowers, cups and buttons. If it is not of gold, these are not required. It is a Chidush that the Melkachayim were of gold; all agree that it is not made from the Kikar of gold used for the Menorah. The lamps are a Chidush only according to the opinion (Menachos 88b) that they are not from the Kikar.


Why did he make so many Menoros?


Radak: They lit all of them [and put Lechem ha'Panim on all the Shulchanos, There are two opinions about this (Menachos 99a); the Poskim hold that this opinion is primary.

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