
What is this Chetzi Amah?


Rashi: This is a wall around the hole in the middle of the Mechonah, like I explained above (verse 31). Under this, for a height of one Amah, the Mechonah was square.


What are "Yedoseha"?


Rashi: These are "Sarnei Nechoshes" (verse 30). 1 Gra - they are called Yados, for they were above, and were short like hands. They helped to support the Kiyor. Malbim - they were on top of the Mechonah, which was covered, except for the opening to receive the Kiyor.


They are not Yedos ha'Ofanim (verse 32), which are axles. (PF)


Why does it say "u'Misgeroseha Mimenah"?


Rashi: The bottom Misgeros were molten with it; they were not attached afterwards. Gra - all the pillars that support the Kiyor are called Misgeros; all were molten with it. Malbim - also the Yados were molten with it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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