
Who ascended, and what captive did he take?


Rashi: Moshe ascended; he took the Torah.


Radak: Until now that Hashem commanded the salvation, it was as if He ascended and removed His Shemirah from them and caused the enemy to overpower and take them captive.


Malbim: Hashem's chariot ascended to the height of Har Bashan, and 'captured' (made Himself king over) the other nations.


What is the meaning of "Lakachta Matanos ba'Adam"?


Rashi: You took gifts from higher beings (angels), to give them to people.


Radak: The gifts that You gave to people, to put Your Shechinah among them and guard them from all evil, You took [back] those gifts; refer to 68:19:3:2.


Malbim: [Now You 'captured', i.e. made Yourself king over the other nations, which in earlier days, when You ascended Har Sinai, You received as a gift -] Yisrael willingly became a nation to You.


What is the meaning of "Af Sorerim Lishkon Kah Elokim"?


Rashi: Further, you caused Hashem to dwell in the Mishkan amidst a nation that rebelled against Him and angered Him.


Radak: [You removed Your Shemirah, and] even Sorerim (sinners) like Melech Ashur and those with him thought to dwell in the place of Hashem, i.e. Yerushalayim.


Malbim: [You captured] even Sorerim, i.e. Nochrim, in order that You can dwell in the mountain. They wanted to expel You from dwelling there. Therefore You captured them, so Yisrael can dwell there and You will dwell among them.

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