
What do we learn from "Lamah Teratzdun Harim Gavnunim"?


Megilah 29a: A Bas Kol told the other mountains 'why Tirtzu Din (do you want a judgment) with Har Sinai 1 ' (to see on which Torah should be given)? You are blemished compared to Sinai (which is the lowest)! "Gavnunim" is like "Giben" (a Mum). This shows that haughtiness is a Mum.


Rashi: Also this is part of what Hashem tells them. Why do you tall mountains ambush the mountain that Hashem desired to put His Shechinah on it, i.e. Har ha'Bayis? R. Moshe ha'Darshan says that Teratzdun is ambush in Arabic.


Rashi citing Menachem: Teratzdun is like Terakdun. Radak - i.e. [why do] you praise yourselves? You are not considered anything compared to the mountain that Hashem chose to dwell on it, i.e. Har ha'Bayis.


Radak citing Rav Hai Gaon: Teratzdun is an expression of looking and hope. Why do you look and hope for honor? Honor is only in the mountain that Hashem desired to dwell on it, i.e. Har ha'Bayis, on which the Beis ha'Mikdash was built, and due to the honor of Yerushalayim, in which honor is always seen, and His help and compassion. The enemy ruled over all of Eretz Yisrael, but it says about Yerushalayim "Lo Yavo El ha'Ir ha'Zos v'Lo Yoreh Sham Chetz v'Lo Yekademenah Magen v'Lo Yishpoch Aleha Solelah", "v'Ganosi Al ha'Ir ha'Zos Lehoshi'ah" (Yeshayah 37:33, 35).


Malbim #1: Teratzdun is composed of two words - Tarutz and Tzad. Why did you run on the sides of these tall mountains to fight Yisrael?!


Malbim #2: This alludes to the mighty acts that Hashem did on these mountains in the war of Sichon and Og.


Rashi (36): This is difficult. Our verse says that Hashem dwells on it permanently. He did not dwell on Har Sinai permanently!


Why does it say "Af Hashem Yishkon la'Netzach"?


Rashi: He will make His Kedushah dwell there permanently. From when He chose it for His dwelling, the Shechinah did not dwell elsewhere.


Radak: On Har Sinai He did not dwell forever.


Malbim: [The mountain that Hashem desired], He will always make His Shechinah dwell there. You cannot expel Him from there!

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