
What is the meaning of "Mashbi'ach She'on Yamim"?


Rashi, Radak: He lowers (quiets) the roaring of waves. The same applies to "v'Chacham b'Achor Yeshabechenah" (Mishlei 29:11), "b'Sho Galav Atah Seshabechem" (below, 89:10).


Radak (9): He split the sea in front of Yisrael and brought them through it. (He will do similarly to the nations, and raise Yisrael from among them.)


Malbim: Tzedek improves the roaring of waves [and the clamor of a multitude of nations]. It converts them to be praiseworthy, and they do not harm. This is Hashem's answer to those who pray. If they will do Tzedek, they will be saved from all evils - both natural, like waves, and those based on choice, like the clamor of nations. All will be converted to good!


What do we learn from "va'Hamon Le'umim"?


Radak: Just like He quiets the roaring of waves, so He quiets the clamor of a multitude of nations and takes Yisrael from them. The prefix Vov in va'Hamon equates - like this, so is this. The same applies to "Mayim Karim Al Nefesh Ayefah u'Shemu'ah Tovah me'Eretz Merchak" (Mishlei 25:25), "Al Yisrael Ga'avaso v'Uzo ba'Shechakim" (below, 68:35).


Radak (9): Refer to 65:8:1:2.


Malbim: Refer to 65:8:1:3.

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