
What is the meaning of "v'Galti vi'Yrushalayim"?


Radak: There will be Gilah there, for I will rejoice in it, for they will do My desire and My honor will dwell in it.


Malbim: I will make new Gilah in Yerushalayim via showing new wonders constantly.


What is the meaning of "v'Sasti v'Ami"?


Radak: This explains "v'Amah Masos" (18) - I will rejoice in them because they are My servants and chosen ones, and they do My desire.


Malbim: Via My nation I will show wonders to many nations.


Why will there be no voice of crying or screaming?


Radak: People cry in the city over one who died before his time, or on a [found] Mes, or someone taken captive from the city. None of this will be. There will not be sword or war, nor natural death, only after many years, so people will not cry over him 1 .


Malbim: People cry over an affliction that already came; usually it is due to a Mes. They scream for salvation from a breakage that is coming, for which there can be a salvation..


Mesushelach lived 969 years, and there were great eulogies over him, but it does not say that they cried. Youngsters will die at 100 (20); there was much crying over Yakov, Aharon and Moshe (Bereishis 50:3, Bamidbar 20:29, Devarim 34:8), and all of them lived more than 100 years! Perhaps great Tzadikim are different, and in the future, they will not die at all (PF).

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