
What is the meaning of "Pagata Es Sas v'Ose Tzedek"?


Rashi: This is like "va'Yifga Bo va'Yamos" (Melachim I, 2:25). You removed from us the Tzadikim who rejoiced to do Tzedek.


Radak: This is accepting Tzadikim's supplications. "V'Lo Efga Adam" (Yeshayah 47:3) means that I will not accept a man's prayer for them. Whether the verse discusses removing Tzadikim (refer to 64:4:1:1) or accepting their prayers, this is like "Avad Chasid Min ha'Aretz" (Michah 7:2). The Tzadikim who did your Mitzvos with Simchah, they are not in the world now to stand in the breach for us, like the early ones did.


Malbim: In this path that You went then, that You tore Shamayim and descended to do wonders, You went on this miraculous path. Tzadikim rejoice to do Tzedek, for they saw Your miracles.


Why does it say "bi'Drachecha Yizkerucha"?


Rashi: They mention the way of Your mercy in their prayers.


Radak: They remember You in Your ways - the 13 Midos. When You were angry with Your nation for their sins, the Tzadikim stood in front of You, like Moshe did at the Egel and Meraglim. He said "Hashem Erech Apayim v'Rav Chesed Nosei Avon... Slach Na la'Avon ha'Am ha'Zeh" (Bamidbar 14:18-19).


Malbim: In all the prayers, they mention that You do great acts and wonders


Why does it say "Hen Atah [Katzafta va'Necheta Bahem Olam v'Nivashe'a]"?


Rashi: When You were angry at us for all that we sinned, we were always saved through [Tzadikim's] prayers. V'Nivashe'a is present tense.


Radak: We always relied on them. In every generation there were Tzadikim that prayed to You for us, and we were saved. Now in Galus, the Chasidim and Tzadikim ceased. "Va'Necheta" is after we sinned). Similarly, "va'Yarum Tola'im va'Yiv'ash" (Shemos 16:20) - the worms came after it spoiled. "Va'Yibak'u ha'Mayim" (ibid., 14:21) - after the water split.


Malbim: When we sinned, and the Tzadikim prayed to avert Your anger, they mentioned these miraculous ways - "v'Sham'u Egypt Ki He'elisa b'Chochacha Es ha'Am ha'Zeh mi'Kirbo; v'Amru... va'Anancha Omed Aleihem... "va'Yomer Hashem Salachti ki'Dvarecha" (Bamidbar 14:13-14, 20). "Yizkerucha" applies above and below.

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