
What is the significance of coming from Edom and Batzrah with Begadim Chamutzim?


Rashi 1 citing Makos 12a: The Sar (overseeing angel) of Romi will make three mistakes in the future. He will want to take refuge in Batzrah. The Ir Miklat is Betzer, but he went to Batzrah. Kelitah is only for Shogeg, but he was Mezid. Kelitah is only for people, but he is an angel.


Rashi citing a Midrash: He had a Nevu'ah about Batzrah, because it supplied a king for Sa'ir when its first king died - "va'Yimloch Tachtav Yovav ben Zerach mi'Batzrah" (Bereishis 36:33). Batzrah is from Mo'av - "v'Al Kiryos v'Al Batzrah" (Yirmeyah 48:24).


Radak: This Parashah discusses the destruction of Edom in the future. Hashem, who destroys it, is depicted as a Gibor taking vengeance on his enemies. His garments are red from blood of murder. It is as if a man asks who is this? From context, Chamutz is red. Batzrah was the great city of Edom; therefore, Edom is called Batzrah.


Malbim: Ibn Ezra wrote that Edom is Romi and Constantina. Batzrah is the capitol of their belief. Hashem will go to Edom to save His nation, and pay them for their evil to Yisrael. Refer to 34:8:1:2. He will come to Batzrah for Emunah, so they will recognize the true creed. The verse depicts that initially He comes with soft words (Begadim Chamutzim - clean white garments). After they do not listen, He wears vengeance to fight with them.


I do not know why Rashi says that he will make two mistakes, and he omits the third. (PF)


What is "Hadur bi'Lvusho"?


Radak: He wore garments of vengeance.


Malbim: "Begadim" is Kolel (all garments). Levush are special for something, e.g. Levush Malchus, Levush Sak. Hashem desires that Edom not harm Yisrael; He wears Begadim Kolelim - the Midos that He uses to conduct with His creations - Rachum v'Chanun v'Rav Chesed. He wants Batzrah to recognize Emunah in Kel and His unity - Levush Malchus.


What is "Tzo'eh b'Rov Kocho"?


Radak: He moves Goyim from one end to another. Refer to 51:14:1:5.


Malbim: He is storming and agitating with all His strength.


What is the meaning of "Ani Medaber bi'Tzedakah Rav Lehoshi'a"?


Rashi: Hashem answers, it is I who came. I decided to discuss the virtue of the Avos and the generation of affliction, and also My Tzedakah is with them. I revealed Myself to be Rav Lehoshi'a.


Radak: What I spoke, I did for Yisrael amidst My Tzedakah, for I am Rav Lehoshi'a. I.e. I have great power to save Yisrael. The destruction of Edom will be the salvation of Yisrael.


Malbim: Hashem answers, I came from Batzrah speaking Tzedakah - Mitzvos Bein Adam la'Makom and the true Emunah. Rav Lehoshi'a refers to Edom - I came to there in order to save Yisrael.

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