
What is the meaning of "Tachas Bashtechem Mishneh [u'Chlimah Yaronu Chelkam]"?


Rashi: Your Bushah, which was double - [also] they always cried over their portion of Kelimah - in place of this [they will inherit double]. Rinah can apply to mourning - "Kumi Roni va'Laylah" (Eichah 2:19), "va'Ya'avor ha'Rinah ba'Machaneh" (Melachim I, 22:36).


Radak: Your shame in Galus - in place of it, you will have its opposite, i.e. honor, twice as much.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: In place of your shame and being humbled, I will give to you twice the good that I said to give.


Malbim: Bushah is feeling ashamed by himself. Kelimah is from others. You had Bushah from yourselves, for having lost everything desired - you will receive double honor. Also refer to 61:7:2:2.


What is the meaning of "u'Chlimah Yaronu Chelkam"?


Radak: Tachas applies also to this. In place of your Kelimah in Galus, you will sing about the good portion that I will give to you.


Malbim: Others shamed you about the length of your Galus - those people will sing about the portion of Yisrael (just like initially, they sang of their disgrace).


Why does it say "Lachen b'Artzam Mishneh Yirashu"?


Radak: They will not need to leave your land for trade, to profit. In their land they will inherit the good of the world.


Malbim: In place of the Bushah, they will inherit extra in their land - the land of three nations 1 , in addition to the seven that they inherited beforehand.


Bava Basra 56a: Kini, Kenizi and Kadmoni.


What is the significance of "Simchas Olam"?


Malbim: This is payment for the shame they suffered about the length of their Galus.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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