
Why does it say that Sarnei Pelishtim returned to Ekron the same day?


Malbim: This was wondrous, that they were able to go so far 1 back and forth in one day, even though they delayed to see the Korbanos offered in Beis Shemesh. 2


Below (verse 21), Malbim says that this was Beis Shemesh in Yehudah, close to Ekron. I.e. it was closer to Ekron than Beis Shemesh in Yisachar, but also this Beis Shemesh was far. (PF)


I.e. it says "the same day" to teach the miracle. (At the time, the distance from Ekron to Beis Shemesh was known. Why would Hashem do so for Sarnei Pelishtim? Perhaps it was to increase Pelishtim's fear of the Aron. - PF)

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