
Why does the Torah write "Ve'hizir ... " before "Ve'heivi ... "?


Nazir, 18a: To teach us that the Nazir begins counting again even if he did not bring the Asham. 1


Nazir, Ibid.: In fact, this is the only Asham in the Torah which is not crucial. See Torah Temimah, note 87.


What are the ramifications of "ve'ha'Yamim ha'Rishonim Yiplu"?


Rashi (in Chulin, 89b): If he became Tamei after having counted some of the days of his Nezirus, he cancels what he counted and, after shaving, begins all over again. 1


Nazir, 19b: Based on the fact that "Yamim ha'Rishonim" is plural - if the Nazir becomes Tamei on the first day of his Nezirus, he continues counting ninety-nine days and does not need to begin counting again. And it is only if he has already counted two full days 2 that he needs to start again from the beginning.


A Nazir who became Tamei on the hundredth (last) day of bhis Nezirus, is obligated to begin counting all over again. See Torah Temimah, note 90.


See Torah Temimah, citing the second Dibur of Nazir, 19b, and note 92.


Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) phrase "Ki Tamei Nizro"?


Nidah, 44a: To teach us that Tum'ah requires the Nazir to cancel his counting and to start again, but drinking wine does not. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 94.

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