
Why does it say "Lo Yadati [Nafshi]"?


Rashi: Keneses Yisrael mourns and says 'I did not know to be careful from sin that I will stand in my honor and grandeur, and I stumbled in Sin'as Chinam and arguments. They overpowered among kings of Beis Chashmonai, Hurkenas and Aristoblus, until one of them brought Malchus Romi and received kingship from [Romi] and became a slave to [Romi].


Seforno: Adas Hashem answers, I did not know then Nafshi - my desire and intent.


Malbim (Melitzah): This is amidst her calculations that she thinks about the actions of her body in this world. She ceases to think about matters of this life, and says 'I do not know another matter, for Nafshi - Hashem, who is Nafshi and Ruchi - made me Markevos Ami Nadiv (refer to 6:12:2:3).


Malbim (Mashal): She retracts and says, I do not know why I left.


What is the meaning of "Nafshi Samasni Markevos Ami Nadiv"?


Rashi: From then [when the Chashmonai king brought Malchus Romi and became a slave to it], my Nefesh made myself a chariot for authorities of other nations to ride on. Ami Nadiv is like Am Nadiv; the Yud at the end of Ami is extra, like in "Shochni Sneh" (Devarim 33:16), "Rabasi Am" (Eichah 1:1)". I myself appointed them over me - "v'At Limadta Osam Alecha Alufim l'Rosh" (Yirmeyah 13:21).


Seforno: I chose to dwell in Galus Paras and Madai, even though they are surely Am Nadiv - "Asher Kesef Lo Yachshovu" (Yeshayah 13:17; they desire only to kill). After the Nevi'im called me to come to the Melech ha'Kadosh in His land, so He will make His Shechinah dwell among us.


Malbim (Melitzah): [Hashem] made me like a chariot and commanded me to ride on a chariot of fire and my horse is fire, to ascend in a storm wind to Shamayim, to Ami Nadiv (this is like "Ani Ne'esaf El Ami" (Bereishis 49:29). I will ride quickly to Tzadikim in the world of Neshamos.


Malbim (Mashal): Only Nafshi - my beloved shepherd, who is Nafshi, my life and my Ru'ach - put me on Markevos Ami Nadiv. He moves me like a chariot racing to Ami Nadiv - the people of my nation, who are generous. I will no longer be incarcerated in Chadrei Shlomo. Rather, I will leave and ride to Bnei Ami.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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