
Who descended to the nut garden?


Rashi #1: The Shechinah talks - I came to you, in Bayis Sheni.


Rashi #2: Yisrael are compared to a nut - one sees only wood (the shell); the inside is not recognized. One breaks it, and sees that it is full of compartments of food. So Yisrael are modest and humble in their deeds, and Talmidim among them are not recognized and do not boast about their own praise. If you check him, you find that he is full of Chachmah.


Rashi citing a Midrash: If a nut falls in mud, the contents do not become repulsive. So Yisrael are exiled among the nations, and are stricken greatly, and their deeds are not despised.


Seforno: I found 10 categories of lineage that ascended [from Bavel] to Eretz Yisrael (Kidushin 4:1). Most were Pasul, and improper to put My Shechinah on them 1 .


Malbim (Melitzah): She (the Nefesh) answers. Since physicality is tied to Eitz ha'Da'as Tov v'Ra, words of Chachmei ha'Emes (Kabalah) are compared to a nut. Four shells surrounded the 'marrow' inside. The Zohar compares this to dregs of physicality and its shortcomings. Also the big world with its four shells resembles a nut. Yechezkel saw in Ma'ase Merkavah "Ru'ach Se'arah... Anan Gadol v'Esh Mislakachas... u'Mitochah k'Ein Chashmal" (1:4). Eliyahu on Har Sinai experienced Ru'ach, noise, fire, and a low voice (Melachim I, 19:11-12). The nut garden is the body. She descended to tell His powers and actions.


What is the comparison to a nut garden? Perhaps this is like a nut - the majority is shell, and the minority is edible. (PF)


What does he want to see in "Ibei ha'Nachal"?


Rashi: What moisture of good deeds will I see in you?


Seforno: [Even though [most of them were Pasul], I descended there with Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi, to see those of good lineage who remained in Bavel.


Malbim (Melitzah): What she can save from [the garden] at the time of separation - the vegetation that sprouted in their lives.


What is the meaning of "ha'Farchah ha'Gafen"?


Rashi: Will you sprout in front of Me Chachamim and people who learn [Mishnah]?


Seforno: Are there Chachamim and Talmidim that their hearts turn to Hashem's land, [and He will] put His Shechinah there?


Malbim (Melitzah): In this Sefer, the vine represents investigation and ideas.


Why does it say "Hinatzu ha'Rimonim"?


Rashi: They fulfill Mitzvos and are full of merits.


Malbim (Melitzah): Pomegranates hint to 613 Mitzvos. She went to see this nut (the body), what ideas it thought of and what was born from its Avodah, that it will take to the day of meeting, to be dressed in it when it wears festive garments.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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