
What is the meaning of "Hinatzel ki'Tzvi mi'Yad"?


Rashi: Rush to evade them, like a deer evades people.


Malbim: A hunted deer is saved via its body's strength and its horns.


Malbim (according to Melitzah): One must run like a deer to do the desire of his Owner.


Why does it add "uch'Tzipor mi'Yad Yakush"?


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 6): The Atzel, even though he does not do an evil action, he brings evil on himself via passivity.


Malbim: They put glue [on a board], and it is trapped via its feathers sticking to the glue. It is saved via shedding its feathers. So you will be saved, either via your body's strength, or via leaving your money and clothing in the hands of the one for whom you were an Arev. All this is a Mashal.


Malbim (according to Melitzah): Corresponding to the Yetzer ha'Ra's seizure of a person, he must use his strength to save himself for Torah and demonstration. If the Yetzer ha'Ra drew him into its net via enticements, he must save himself like a bird from a trap. It abandons its feathers (external garments). So he must divide his illusory acquisitions to the poor, shave his hair to Shamayim like the Nazir who came in front of Shimon ha'Tzadik (Nazir 4b), and afflict his body.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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