
What will be the Behalah of David's enemies?


Malbim: Elokim's judgment will take effect on them.


Why is "Yevoshu" repeated?


Rashi citing R. Yochanan (Shocher Tov 31:3): In the future, Hashem will judge the Resha'im and sentence them to Gehinom. They will murmur against Him; He will return and show them their ledger, judge them [again] and obligate them, and return them to Gehinom. It is a double shame.


Rashi citing R. Shmuel bar Nachmeni (Shocher Tov 31:5): In the future, every nation will call to its god, and there is no answer. They return and call to Hashem. He says, had you called to me initially, I would have answered you. Now that you made idolatry primary and Me secondary, I will not answer you. "Yeshav'u v'Ein Moshi'a" is idolatry; afterwards, "Al Hashem v'Lo Anam" (18:42). This is why "they will be ashamed" is repeated.


Radak: When I am healed, all my enemies who hoped for my death will be ashamed and confounded. When they see that their intent was not fulfilled, they will return to me to be at peace with me, and then they will have shame in front of me.


Malbim: The first discusses their shame when Hashem will accept David's Tefilah. The latter teaches that they should repent and be ashamed.


What is the meaning of "Raga"?


Rashi: It is soon.


Malbim: They should repent and be ashamed, and they will profit. (a) Then, their shame will be for a moment; they will need to admit to the truth. (b) They will not be confounded due to the punishment.

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