
What silver and gold should he take?


Radak (10-11): It is a gift that Cheldi, Toviyah and Yoshiyah brought for Binyan ha'Bayis.


Malbim (10): Bnei ha'Golah in Bavel sent it with these three men to make two crowns - a gold crown for Zerubavel, who was king of the land, and a silver crown for Yehoshua, the Kohen Gadol.


How many crowns should he make? The Navi taught only about one of them!


Radak (10-11): He should make two crowns - a silver crown to appoint Yehoshua to be Kohen Gadol. This is like "ha'Tzanif ha'Tahor" (3:5) mentioned above. He should make also a gold crown. The verse did not need to teach that it is for Zerubavel, who was in place of a king. There is no king without a crown! Perhaps he was called Pachas before they put the crown on him - "Pachas Yehudah" (Chagai 2:2), and afterwards he was called king. This is reasonable; it is not written in the Navi.


Malbim: You should make the crowns; they should not make them. You will put one on Yehoshua's head; do not put the other on Zerubavel.

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