
What is the meaning of "v'Kala Keruvim"?


Rashi: He engraved the shape of Keruvim [on the doors].


What is the meaning of "Meyushar Al ha'Mechukeh"?


Rashi: The gold corresponded to the recesses in the forms. It sunk in where the form sunk in, and jutted out where the form jutted it.


Gra (32): The gold was 'straightened' before putting it on the wall; they made recessions in it to go over where the forms in the wall protrude.


Malbim: In the Devir, they melted gold onto the Keruvim; it entered and filled the crevices. In the Heichal, they only beat the gold until it entered the crevices. Not so much gold was needed for this.

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