
Why does it say "v'Es Pesach ha'Devir"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It means ul'Pesach ha'Devir. Also "v'Asah Es Damo" (Vayikra 16:15) is like li'Dmo.


What is "ha'Ayil"?


Rashi: It is the doorpost on each side of the opening. This is like Eilim, Eilav v'Eilamav (Yechezkel 40:37, 24). In all [the description of] the Bayis in Sefer Yechezkel, the doorposts are called Eilim.


Radak, Malbim: It is the lintel (above the opening).


Were there five Mezuzos to the opening?


Rashi #1: I heard that there is a threshold below, doorposts on each side, and the lintel was made like two. 1


Rashi #2: The doorposts had five sides. They were not rectangular. The verse does not count the threshold or lintel, for we do not find that they are called Eilim.


Radak: The doorposts on each side had five layers, one inside the other, and also the lintel did.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Chamishis is like Chamushim (prepared, fixed).


Ralbag, Malbim: It was the fifth opening. There were five openings to the Mikdash - one to the big Azarah, one to Chatzer ha'Kohanim after the Azarah 2 , one to the Ulam, one to the Heichal and one to the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim.


Rashi alludes to a diagram; most editions do not have it. Some editions have a diagram that shows two half-lintels, each going from one side to the middle. (PF)


'The big Azarah' is Ezras Nashim, and 'Chatzer ha'Kohanim' is what is usually called [Stam] the Azarah. Do not say that they refer to Ezras Yisrael (the first 11 Amos of the Azarah) and Ezras Kohanim (which is after Ezras Yisrael), respectively, like in Bayis Sheni. There was no separation between them at all! (PF)

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