
Why does it say "v'Atem Kirvu Henah"?


Rashi: The remaining, when the Tzadikim depart and receive their punishments.


Radak (2), Malbim: Come close for judgment on your evil deeds.


Who are "Bnei Onenah"?


Rashi: They are witches.


Radak: Your mothers are Onenos (divine to determine good and bad times for things) and witches. Witchcraft is found among most women. If the root is Anan, Onenah is To'ar (kind of person). The same applies to "v'Onenim ka'Pelishtim" (2:6). If the root is Onen, Onenah is present tense.


Malbim: They performed adultery and Zenus to serve idolatry, like Moreh ha'Nevuchim says, that all matters of idolatry were for Zenus. The children born from this were attributed to a particular idol or star. Via Onenus, they said that the child born at the time of Mazal Ploni is under the rule of a known star.


Why does it say "Mena'ef" and "va'Tizneh"?


Rashi: These refer to males and females, respectively. Radak - your fathers and mothers are Mezaneh - how can you be good?! The generation were Resha'im Bnei Resha'im. This is like "Lo Efkod Al Benoseichem Ki Siznenah v'Al Kaloseichem Ki Sena'afenah Ki Hem Im Zonos Yefaredu 1 " (Hoshe'a 4:14).


Radak (Hoshe'a 4:14): I do not consider the children's Zenus a sin, for they learned from their households. Their fathers separate from their wives and are Mezaneh with harlots.

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