
What is "ba'Avon Bitz'o"?


Rashi: It is his theft.


Radak: He covets and oppresses. The sin of theft is great, even though there is no death for it. The Torah did not obligate death for it, because it is rare 1 ; it ruins society, therefore people prevent it. However, when it spreads in the country, [the country] cannot stand, and it is destroyed due to theft. The flood came to the world due to Chamas -"Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz Chamas Mipneihem" (Bereishis 6:13).


Malbim: My anger was due to his sin of Betza (theft). When the sin departs via Teshuvah, My anger will depart!


Kli Paz citing Bava Basra 165b: Most people transgress Gezel! (Perhaps the Gemara discusses Gezel mid'Rabanan; Radak discusses Torah Gezel, i.e. "va'Yigzol ha'Chanis mi'Yad ha'Mitzri" (Shmuel I, 14:22). (PF)


Why does it say "Katzafti v'Akehu Haster"?


Rashi: First I will be angry, and strike him - I will always hide My face from his affliction.


Radak: Haster is Hester Panim - "v'Anochi Haster Astir Panai" (Devarim 31:18).


Malbim: This refers to the two matters hinted at in verse 16. Sometimes I am angry, and I stroke and punish him for his sin. Sometimes I am angry with Hester Panim - I do not punish him, just I hide My face from him.


How do we explain "v'Ektzof va'Yelech Shovav b'Derech Libo"?


Rashi: The verse should be re-arranged. On the sin of his theft and going wayward in the ways of his heart, I was angry and I struck him.


Radak: He rebelled against Me and My Avodah, and turned to other gods, like his heart led him astray.


Malbim: My punishment and anger were only due to his sin. Therefore, when he will depart from the wayward paths rooted in his heart

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