
What is the meaning of "va'Yiten Es Resha'im Kivro"?


Rashi: He gave himself over to be buried wherever they decreed to kill him, and to be buried like donkeys, in the innards of dogs [that will eat the body]. He consented to be buried like the Resha'im wanted, rather, than deny the living G-d. Radak - "Alecha Horagnu Chol ha'Yom" (Tehilim 44:23).


Radak: They killed them in Galus like they kill Resha'im for their evil, and he did not steal, and there was no fraud in his mouth. They killed him as if he did evil, and counted him with Resha'im.


Malbim: Even though we know that he did not sin, they put his grave among Resha'im, as if he died due to evil.


What is "v'Es Ashir b'Mosav ["v'Lo Chamas Asah]"?


Rashi: He gave himself over to be killed via any death that the ruler decreed.


Radak: They killed an Ashir for his wealth, and not due to sin. It says b'Mosav (plural), for they killed him via many deaths - burning, choking, stoning. He gave himself over to all of them, for unity of His name.


Malbim: Also when they killed a rich Yisrael in order to take his wealth, they put his grave among Resha'im, to make it seem that they killed him due to sin, even though "v'Lo Chamas Asah."


Why does it say "[v'Lo Chamas Asah] v'Lo Mirmah b'Fiv"?


Refer to 53:9:2:2-3.


Malbim: He did not want to be deceitful, and deny Hashem Elokav.

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