
What is the meaning of "me'Otzar umi'Mishpat Lukach"?


Rashi: The Navi heralds that Nochrim will say so at the end of days, when they see that [Yisrael] is taken from the detention that they held them in their hands, and from the afflictions that they suffered until now.


Radak: From the oppression of Galus, in which he was shut up, and from the law of captivity, in which he was judged, they were taken and redeemed from all this.


Malbim: Do not say that individual plunderers [afflicted Yisrael] unlike Mishpat. Rather, the kingship and authority decreed the afflictions in their place of judgment.


Why does it say "v'Es Doro Mi Yesoche'ach"?


Rashi: [Who will talk about] the troubles that befell [Yisrael] in the years that passed over them?


Radak: Who would have said that the generation will have such grandeur? This is like "Mi Milel l'Avraham" (Bereishis 21:7). Yesoche'ach refers to speech. It is a four-letter root in which the second letter is silent.


Malbim: This generation that the Nochrim decreed to be uprooted from life - who can tell what was their sin?! They were killed without reason.


Why does it say "Ki Nigzar me'Eretz Chayim"?


Rashi: Initially it was decreed on them to be exiled from Eretz Yisrael. Radak - we find that it is called Eretz Chayim - "Es'halech Lifnei Hashem b'Artzos ha'Chayim" (Tehilim 116:9).


Radak: In Galus, it is truly considered as if he was cut off from the land of the living. How could we think that he would have grandeur like this?!


Malbim: Refer to 53:8:2:3.


What is the meaning of "mi'Pesha Ami Nega Lamo"?


Rashi: Due to the sin of My nation, this affliction came [even] on Tzadikim among them.


Radak: Every nation will say that the affliction came to them due to [Yisrael's] sin, and not their own sin.

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