
Why do they say "Kulanu ka'Tzon Ta'inu"?


Rashi: This is revealed now.


Radak: We were like a flock without a shepherd. There is a Patach under the Kaf in ka'Tzon, for the known flock strays - the one without a shepherd.


Malbim: Now we see that we all erred about this, and afflicted Yisrael improperly, i.e. we afflicted them in order to force them to serve idolatry - "Meduka me'Avonoseinu" (5). The shepherd led us astray. The priests of the Ba'al and Asherah told us that afflicting [Yisrael] will be considered Tzedakah for us.


Why does it say "Ish l'Darko Paninu"?


Malbim: This corresponds to "v'Hu Mechulal mi'Pesha'enu" (5). The evil that we did to them other than this (trying to coerce them to serve idolatry) was for our own benefit, e.g. to take their money. Everyone turned to his way, to fulfill his heart's desire.


What is the meaning of "Hifgi'a Bo"?


Rashi: Hashem was beseeched via [Yisrael] and He was appeased for the sin of all of us - He did not destroy His world.


Radak: The Avon strikes them; Hashem sends the evil. "Avon" is the punishment for the sin, like "Ki Lo Shalem Avon ha'Emori Ad Henah" (Bereishis 15:16) - the time for the punishment for their sin did not come yet (Radak there).

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