
What is the comparison "va'Ya'al ka'Yonek?


Rashi: This nation, before this grandeur came to them, they were very lowly. It rose by itself, like a sapling. Radak - this is like "Yelchu Yonkosav" (Hoshe'a 14:7).


Radak: Va'Ya'al refers to ascending from Galus miraculously, as if a sapling or root will rise or sprout in a dry land.


Malbim: This depicts the lowliness of the nation. A tree can be strong if it is old and thick. Sometimes also a sapling is strong, if its root is in a place of water and a fertile land; it endures via its root. This tree is not strong itself - it is like a soft, weak sapling. It is not strong due to its root - its root rows from a dry land. The Nimshal is, the nation is not strong itself (large and mighty), or due to its source (if it was ruling for a long time). It lost the level of Yisrael due to itself (they were few and weak), and due to its root from Dor ha'Midbar and early days. From then and onwards, "Darach Kochav mi'Yakov" (Bamidbar 24:17) was not fulfilled.


What is the comparison to a root?


Rashi: It is like a root that rose from a dry land.


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: Refer to 53:2:1:3.


Why does it say "Lo So'ar Lo v'Lo Hadar"?


Rashi: Before (Radak - in Galus), it had no form or beauty.


Malbim: Sometimes a sapling is esteemed due to its beauty and form - height, straightness, and evenness of its branches and shoots. Or, its appearance and color bear grace. This nation has neither. The Nimshal is, sometimes a small nation can succeed to kingship if it has Chachamim, skilled craftsmen, rich merchants


What is the meaning of "v'Nir'ehu v'Lo Mar'eh v'Nechmedehu"?


Rashi: When we saw it initially, without appearance, how would we desire it?


Radak: When we saw [Yisrael] in Galus, his appearance was not nice - he was ugly, unlike other people. We did not desire him, rather, we despised him; v'Lo applies also to v'Nechmedehu.


Malbim: We cannot attribute to it any appearance - it is the most deformed and lowly. How can we desire it to recognize its authority?!

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