
Why was Evil Merodach the king of Bavel?


Rashi (Melachim II, 25:27): Nebuchadnetzar died, and Evil Merodach ruled in place of him.


What is the meaning of "Nasa"?


Rashi #1: He elevated and aggrandized him.


Rashi #2: He counted him with other kings. This is like "Ki Sisa Es Rosh Bnei Yisrael" (Shemos 30:12).


Here it says the 25th of the month. In Melachim II, 25:27, it says the 27th!


Rashi (here and Melachim II, 25:27, from Seder Olam 28): Nebuchadnetzar died on the 25th, was buried on the 26th, and Evil Merodach removed him from his grave, and nullified his decrees 1 on the 27th. Rashi (Melachim II, 25:27) - this is like it says in Yeshayah (14:19) "v'Atah Hashlachta mi'Kirbecha k'Netzer Nis'av..."


Malbim: On the 25th he took Yehoyachin out of jail, and on the 27th he elevated him.


Malbim (25:27): He feared to rule overtly and elevate Yehoyachin until he was sure that his father died. (Why was this needed? When people made a decree, and one of them died, they annul the decree (Ta'anis 29a)! Perhaps that applies to Romi (and Paras and Madai - Rashi Megilah 15b), but not to Bavel. - PF)



Rashi writes that Evil Merodach removed Nebuchadnetzar from his grave. Why did he do so?


Rashi (Yeshayah 14:19, from Vayikra Rabah 18:2): It was to ensure that he was dead. During the seven years in which Nebuchadnetzar lived among animals, they made his son Evil Merodach 1 king in place of him. When his father returned, he incarcerated him. After he died, they wanted to make his son king again. He feared lest his father return again and kill him. He believed that he was dead only after they took him from the grave and dragged him in front of him.


Radak (Melachim II, 25:27): Some versions of the Midrash say that a different son ruled in place of him, and when his father returned, he killed that son.

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