Why does it say "ul'Rasha... Mah Lecha Lesaper Chukai"?
Radak: Until now, He rebuked those who offer Korbanos and do not repent from their evil. Now, He rebukes those who learn and do not fulfill. Both of these are very bad. An open Rasha in the eyes of Elokim and of people, he is close to Teshuvah, for people will rebuke him. A Rasha who offers Korbanos and shows himself to be good, he denies that Hashem sees. He is very far from Teshuvah. A Chacham who does opposite of what he learns, he causes others to do like his deeds, and not want to learn - "Kol Mesanai Ahavu Maves" (Mishlei 8:36) - we read this Masni'ai - they make others hate Torah.
Radak, citing Sanhedrin 106b: The verse addresses Do'eg. Refer to 50:16:3:1.
Malbim: This addresses a Rasha who thinks to bribe Hashem via many Korbanos. Hashem commanded Chukim - Mitzvos without a reason [known to us], like Korbanos, and Mitzvos of intellect with a known reason, like theft, adultery and Leshon ha'Ra. You are evil in Mitzvos of intellect - why do you 'tell' my Chukim, i.e. bring Korbanos?
What is "Brisi"?
Rashi: It is My Torah.
Radak: They are Mitzvos of the Torah, which were given with a Bris.
Why does it say "va'Tisa Verisi Alei Ficha"?
Radak, from Sanhedrin 106b: The verse addresses Do'eg. His Torah was from the lips and out (only superficial).
Malbim: Via bringing Korbanos, you make it seem that I made a Bris of love with you - "Koresei Brisi Alei Zevach" (verse 5).