
What is the significance of the name "Goren ha'Atad," the area in Kena'an where they eulogized Yaakov?


Rashi #1: Because it took place in a Goren (granary) that was surrounded by Atadim (brambles).


Rashi #2 (citing Sotah 13a): All the kings of Kena'an and princes of Yishmael came to make war. However, when they saw Yosef's crown hanging on his father's coffin, they stopped short, and hung their own crowns around the coffin beside his. The Torah compares the sight of many crowns hanging around Yaakov's coffin to a granary surrounded by a thorn-fence.


Why did the procession cross the Yarden? When travelling from Egypt, which is southwest of Eretz Yisrael, to Chevron, there is no need to reach the Yarden!


Ha'amek Davar: Yosef took a crooked path, in order that many people of Mo'av and Kena'anim near the Yarden would join the procession. This is the source for the Mishnah (Kelim 1:7) that we may take a Mes around the city as much as desired (before burial, before he left the city). This is the Mes' honor!


What is "Misped Gadol v'Kaved"?


Ha'amek Davar: "Gadol" is many matters, an arousal over this loss. The eulogy lasted several hours. "V'Kaved" - the matters penetrated to the depths of the heart.


Why did Yosef make an Evel (mourning) for his father in Goren ha'Atad? Aveilus is only after burial!


Moshav Zekenim: The kings who came feared lest Yosef conquer them. They did not allow Yosef to go. Only his brothers took Yaakov to Eretz Yisrael and buried him there. 1


Once Yosef saw that he could not participate in the burial, Aveilus took effect on him immediately. (PF)

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