
What is the significance of rising to open for her beloved?


Seforno: This is to arouse Yisrael to repent in the days of Chizkiyah.


Malbim (Melitzah): After this Dibur, Shlomo repented. He rose from his eternal sleep to open for the supreme Beloved. He wanted to prepare himself for Kedushah and Taharah, and to abandon his matters of flesh and desire for women until he will be prepared a second time to Divine clinging, and open the locks that physicality closed on him.


What is the meaning of "v'Yadai Natfu Mor"?


Rashi: With a full heart and desiring Nefesh, like one who adorns herself to be beloved to her husband with a nice scent.


Seforno: Via the king's letters [my hands dripped with fragrant myrrh].


Malbim (Melitzah): Mor and Levonah are a metaphor for purifying Nefesh Chiyunis and Nefesh ha'Tzomachas for Kedushah. We mentioned (1:13) that Mor (myrrh) is musk - aromatic blood in an Indian Chayah. Levonah is scent from vegetation. Whenever the Neshamah ascends from physicality to Elokus and Ruchniyus, it carries with itself Mor and Levonah, i.e. the powers of the Nefesh ha'Chiyunis and Nefesh ha'Tzomachas that are secondary to the Kodesh. However, now that it was sunk in physicality, it could not elevate at all Nefesh ha'Tzomachas from eating and drinking to Kodesh. Her hands dripped with Mor - she was able to elevate Nefesh Chiyunis only via her hands (through actions), but not to purify her Midos and desires.


What is "[v'Etzbe'osai] Mor Over"?


Rashi: It is wind that passes and spreads to every direction.


Seforno: Via letters of [the king's] officers - "va'Yelechu ha'Ratzim ba'Igeros mi'Yad ha'Melech v'Sarav" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 30:6).


Malbim (Melitzah): As much as he 1 tried to open the lock for his Beloved, he could not separate from his physicality. The Yetzer ha'Ra overpowered.


In the entire Sefer until 8:5, the feminine is used for Nefesh Shlomo; there, Malbim explains why it changed. His reason does not apply here. I do not know why he uses the masculine here. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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