
What do we learn from "Lechayav ka'Arugas ha'Bosem"?


Torah Temimah citing Eruvin 14a: If a person makes himself [humble] like a [garden] patch on which everyone tramples, and like a fragrance with which everyone scents himself (he teaches Torah), his learning will endure. If not, it will not.


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 88b: Every utterance that left Hashem's 'mouth' filled the entire world with fragrant spices [Maharsha - to help revive Bnei Yisrael]. Refer to 5:13:3:2.


Rashi: In those patches grow spices.


Rashi (16, according to the metaphor): They are the Dibros of Har Sinai. Hashem showed to them a smiling countenance.


Seforno: The jaws move [the palate, and enable] speech. This hints to His Nevi'im.


Malbim (Melitzah): Before it discussed Hashem seeing and making existence. Now it discusses Dibur, i.e. command - "Hu Amar va'Yhi Hu Tzivah va'Ya'amod" (Tehilim 33:9). There are two levels. (a) General Dibur included in the word "Bereishis"; via it, everything was made with potential, like one who seeds seeds at once, before they sprout. This was on the first day, when He made everything from nothing. (b) Individual Diburim in which the derivatives were brought out, each on its day. A Midrash compares this to one who seeds six seeds at once. They sprouted and were separated according to their species. This was during the six days of creation. The general Dibur is compared to jaws; they are internal, compared to the lips. An Arugah is six Tefachim [by six] and grows species; [later] they are blended together. Everything was mixed in the patch, seeded and not recognized.


What are "Migdelos Merkachim"?


Rashi: Towers of Merkachim, i.e. species combined (to make a nice fragrance).


Seforno: They give taste, scent and importance to what they are added to. So were Bnei ha'Navi in front of the Nevi'im - "v'Atzalti Min ha'Ru'ach Asher Alecha v'Samti Aleihem" (Bamidbar 11:17).


What do we learn from "Sifsosav Shoshanim Notefos Mor Over"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 30b: If a Talmid learns from his Rebbi and his lips are not dripping with bitterness [due to awe], his lips should be burned! We read "Shoshanim Notfos Mor" like 'she'Shonim Notfos Mar' (lips that are learning drip with bitterness).


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 88b: Every utterance that left Hashem's 'mouth' filled the entire world with fragrant spices. After the first, how was there room for others? After each word, He took the wind out of its storehouse and cleared the spices [to Gan Eden]. We read "Shoshanim" like 'she'Shonim' (that repeat).


Rashi (16, according to the metaphor): There matters spoken in the Ohel Mo'ed, for appeasement, atonement and a pleasant scent - the laws of Chatas, Asham, Minchah, Olah and Shelamim.


Seforno: This refers to the first two Dibros, which were face to face (Yisrael heard Him directly). This gave to them a high level; these are their Edim (ornaments) from Har Sinai. And so happened to Moshe - "Ki Karan Or Panav b'Dabro Ito" (Shemos 34:29). And so happened to Yisrael when they had Nevu'ah - "v'Hisnabisa Imam v'Nehefachta l'Ish Acher" (Shmuel I, 10:6).


Malbim (Melitzah): The particular Diburim are compared to lips, which are external. It is the end of Dibur. Then they were Shoshanim - the seeds already grew and sprouted buds, flowers and roses, and drip Mor Over (musk), a derivative of animals. I.e. then the deeds of Ma'ase Bereishis came out - vegetation and animals, according to their species.

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