
What do we learn from "Ki v'Rov Chalomos va'Havalim u'Devarim Harbeh Ki Es ha'Elokim Yera"?


Ri Kara citing Brachos 10b: If one has a dream that he will die tomorrow, he should not despair from Hashem's mercy. (Maharsha - even though it is probably from a Shed, and totally false, he should be concerned lest it is from Hashem, and pray.)


Rav Sadya Gaon: When dreams, Havalim and many matters overpower, strengthen yourself in Yir'as Hashem.


Rashi: In spite of all that dreams, vain prophets and many words will tell you to separate from Hashem, do not heed them. Rather, fear Him!


Ibn Ezra #1: This is like Ki Ba ha'Chalom b'Rov Inyan" (2; when many matters are mixed in a dream, it is Hevel). However, fear Hashem in everything.


Ibn Ezra #2: See many dreams, and much folly, and speak much, just fear Hashem. I.e. you may say anything, unless it mentions Hashem (then you must be careful about what you say).


Rashbam: Via many dreams, follies and many words, people are lost from the world - "Lamah Yiktzof ha'Elokim


Metzudas Tziyon: Devarim is matters, like "Al Devar ha'Kesef" (Bereishis 43:18).


What do we learn from "Es ha'Elokim Yera"?


Refer to 5:6:1:1-10.


Ri Kara: When your heart counsels you "Lehotzi Davar Lifnei ha'Elokim" (1), do not; rather, fear Him.

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