
Does only Hashem bless a Tzadik?


Malbim: His Brachah is via Hashgachah, and not natural. His Brachah makes wealthy, and does not make sad. In a natural Brachah, the owner is sad, for he must guard his property and protect it. Guarding accompanies Hashem's Brachah - "Yevarechecha Hashem v'Yishmerecha" (Bamidbar 6:24).


What is the meaning of "ka'Tzinah Retzon Taterenu"?


Rashi: Contentment will surround us like a shield that surrounds a person on three sides. This is like "v'Sha'ul va'Anashav Oterim El David v'El Anashav" (Shmuel I, 23:26).


Radak: Your desire will surround a Tzadik like a shield that surrounds a person.


Malbim: He will be satiated with Your desire that surrounds him like a shield to guard him from any mishap.

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