
What is the significance of the two women?


Rashi (11): Two nations that ruled like one - Bavel and Kasdim 1 , Nebuchadnetzar's army. Midrash Tehilim (6) says that the four kingdoms that subjugated Yisrael were doubled - Bavel and Kasdim, Pras and Madai, Antiyochas and [Alexander] Mukdan, Edom and Yishmael.


Radak: If the one woman above (7) is the 10 tribes, the two women are Yehudah and Binyamin, who were exiled to Bavel. Even though they already ascended from Bavel when Zecharyah had this vision, he was shown regarding those who remained in Bavel; they slackened to ascend to Yerushalayim even after they began to build the Bayis. One woman represented the 10 tribes, and two represented Yehudah and Binyamin, because Yehudah was special, due to kingship, and Binyamin was joined to it, since their portions were adjacent and they were exiled together.


Radak citing the Rambam: They are angels. He saw them in the form of women, just like he saw them in the form of horses (refer to 1:8:1:4), because the power of Nevu'ah was weakened in his time.


Many verses imply that they are not the same. Some verses imply that they are the same, e.g. "Demus Bnei Bavel Kasdim" (Yechezkel 23:15), and so implies Rashi (Pesachim 87b DH Higleh). It seems that Kasdim was another nation, and in the days of Nebuchadnetzar they took over Bavel (see Rashi Gitin 17a DH Ha). (PF)


From where did they leave?


Rashi: They left the Bayis.


Radak: They went out [from Eretz Yisrael] to Galus.


What is the significance of the wind in their wings?


Radak: They were exiled rapidly to Bavel.


Malbim: This is Ru'ach of flattery and of haughtiness.


What is a "Chasidah"?


Rashi: It is a white Dayah, i.e. stork.


Radak: It is a bird with long, wide wings.


Malbim: It is a Tamei bird that appears to do Chesed. Chazal said, it is called Chasidah because it does Chesed with its friends (Chulin 63a). So they guard from adultery. Researchers say that these birds do judgment against adulterers. So this generation appear to be Kedoshim to their G-d. They do Chasadim, but really, they are Temei'im, for all is flattery. Also its end will be like the Chasidah - it will fly to a different land - "Gam Chasidah va'Shamayim Yade'ah Mo'adeha" (Yirmeyahu 8:7).


What is the significance of carrying the Eifah?


Malbim citing Kidushin 49b: They were carrying flattery and haughtiness, which descended to Bavel 1 . Malbim - after he saw that the Eifah was sealed, and heresy and the Yetzer ha'Ra for idolatry ceased, he saw something equal to idolatry that spread among them. In place of one woman in an Eifah, there were two women - flattery, which is equal to idolatry, for he does all his deeds deceptively, as if he is a partner in His Avodah, like Chovos ha'Levavos says, that flattery is the hidden Shituf - he serves Hashem and people. This is covert denial of Hashem. Also haughtiness - he is haughty to imagine that he understands Elokus, and relies on his intellect and understanding, and via this goes to heresy. So it was in Bayis Sheni, with the different factions that rose among them. These two evil women were the reason.


Rashi (11): This hints that Yisrael sinned with a Se'ah (measure) of sins and evil, and they were stricken with the same Midah.


Radak (9-10): This showed that their exile was proper. Hashem measured to them according to their evil deeds. They carried it, to show that they caused their own Galus.


49b: From Bavel, nine tenths of haughtiness went to Eilam. Tosfos - it says "to build for it a house." The house was not built, for it did not stay. Alternatively, we learn from "Lah", which is written without a Mapik (dot in the) Hei.


What do we learn from "Bein ha'Aretz u'Vein ha'Shamayim"?


Radak: It is known that one who flies, it is between the land and Shamayim. This shows that they are unlike the first woman. A Kikar of lead was cast in her mouth to make her sink in the land, where she is exiled. These two are not sunk in the land - they are suspended in the air until they will return to their land after 70 years.


Malbim: It is not on the land, and not in Shamayim, rather, in the middle. Their revealed deeds are in Shamayim (they appear spiritual), but their hearts are earthly. They descend below to the ground with animalistic Ru'ach. They carried the Eifah a second time, to punish sinners for their evil deeds.

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