
Why does it say "Kikar Oferes Niseis"?


Rashi: I saw that the weight of a Kikar 1 (3000 Shekalim) was lifted into the air. Radak - it says Niseis, because Kikar is feminine - "v'Chikar Lechem Achas" (Shemos 29:23), "Eser Kikerei Chesef" (Melachim II, 5:5). A Kikar of lead shows weighing down and sinking them in Galus.


This is about 17-29 kilos. (PF)


What is the significance of the woman?


Radak: She represents the 10 tribes. They were one kingdom, and went in one way - for evil. Therefore, it says "Ishah Achas." She sits in the Eifah - [her punishment] corresponds to the measure that she rebelled.

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