Why did Moshe address Hashem with the Name of Adnus (spelled Alef-Dales etc.), and not with the Name of Havayah?
Ramban: Because he understood that Hashem would not do bad to Yisrael with the Name that denotes Rachamim, only with the Name which denotes Din. 1
Ramban: He did the same thing earlier, twice - in 4:10 and 4:13 - either in order to stave off the Midas ha'Din, or because he was afraid to use the great Name of Hashem that had only just been revealed to him.
Seeing as Moshe was not currently Davening to Hashem (see 6:1:1.1), what business was it of his, how Hashem treated Yisrael?
Rashi and Seforno: He was complaining that Hashem had appointed him to communicate with Par?oh, and that he was the Shali'ach on whose account Yisrael were suffering. 1
Ramban and R. Bachye: He wanted to know why, if the time had not yet arrived to redeem Yisrael, why Hashem had sent him.
Rashbam: He wanted to know that if Yisrael were not worthy to be redeemed, then why did Hashem send him in the first place.
As Chazal have said 'Hashem brings punishment through a guilty person'. See Rashi in Devarim 22:8.
Bearing in mind that Hashem had already informed Moshe that Pharaoh would not allow Yisrael to leave, what was the basis of Moshe's complaint?
Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra) and Riva: He thought that once he approaches Pharaoh, things would begin to get better - not worse.
Ramban #2: He understood that when Pharaoh refused his initial request, Hashem would start punishing Pharaoh, one stroke after the other, until he relented - but not that the Shibud would get worse! Consequently, when three days 1 passed and Hashem did nothing to stop Pharaoh's new decree from taking effect, he thought that this was a long time, and voiced his complaint.
Ramban #3 (citing Midrash): When Pharaoh issued his latest decree, Moshe returned to Midyan, where he spent six months, 2 while Aharon remained in Egypt. That is when he returned his wife and sons to Midyan. After six months, Hashem appeared to Moshe and instructed him to return to Egypt. He then left Midyan and Aharon left Egypt, and they met outside Pharaoh's palace just as the Jewish officers were leaving. 3 The gist of Moshe's complaint therefore was why Hashem sent initially him on a fruitless mission, seeing as He intended to redeem Yisrael half a year later. Because if the trend continued, Yisrael would be totally destroyed.
Alternatively, a long time elapsed from the time that the Jewish officers were smitten until they gained an audience with Pharaoh, and from the time that they gained audience until Moshe complained to Hashem. See Ramban. Also see the next answer (5:22:3:3).
Ramban: Others say, three.
The Midrash compares this to a deer, which one moment it is seen, and then it disappears, to reappear again later. See Ramban.
Bearing in mind that good and bad come from Hashem ? as the Navi writes in Tzefanyah, 1:12 ? what did Moshe do wrong when he said ?Lamah Hare?osah ? ??
R. Bachye: Indeed his sin was not ?Lamah Hare?osah ? ?, 1 but ?u?me?Az Ba?si el Par?oh ? ?, which questioned Hashem?s Midos. 2
R. Bachye: Moreover, he would not have repeated it when he said ?Lamah Hare?osa le?Avdecha?? ? See Beha?aloscha Bamidbar, 11:11. He also cites R. Chananel, who explains ?Lamah Hare?osah ? ? as the question why Tzadikim suffer and Resha?im have it good. See R. Bachye who answers the former in two ways and elaborates.
See R. Bachye.
What are the connotations of ?Lamah Hare?osa la?Am ha?Zeh??
Refer to 5:22:3:1-3.
R. Bachye: ?Why did you allow (Par?oh) to do bad ? ?. 1
R. Bachye: Like ?Vatehayenah es ha?Yeladim?, which means ?they enabled them to live?.
Rashi writes: "And should You say, 'What difference is it to you?', I have a complaint that you sent me!" What does this mean?
Gur Aryeh: Moshe was saying, If You ask, 'Why do you care about this so much, that you question the Attributes of Hashem? 1 ' The answer is, 'I am getting involved because You sent me.'
I.e., you should not get involved, and question Hashem's guidance of the world, if it is not relevant to you personally.
Rashi writes: "... And should You say, what difference is it to you...." Why doesn't Rashi explain simply, that Moshe was adding a second point - a. Why is it now worse for the Jews, and b. Why did You send me for nothing?
Gur Aryeh: If so, Moshe should have listed his complaints in the reverse order! The second point, "why is it worse," is a stronger question. This is why Rashi explains this as a rhetorical exchange, that the second point comes in explanation of the first point.