
What is the meaning of "ha'Hofechim l'La'anah Mishpat"?


Rashi: They do not remember My reversing. I "reverse great darkness to morning" (8). Now some dwell in darkness ? I will illuminate for them.


Radak: The kings and judges tilt the judgment and favor great people in judgment. For the oppressed, Mishpat is like La'anah (wormwood), which is bitter. When Mishpat is proper, it is the opposite ? sweet and good!


Malbim: This is another reason why no one lifts them. They convert Mishpat to La'anah. Yisrael can survive only via Mishpat and Tzedakah. Mishpat encompasses Mitzvos Bein Adam l'Chavero, and Tzedakah encompasses Mitzvos Bein Adam la'Makom. These are the grapes that Hashem hoped to get from the vineyard that He planted in "b'Keren Ben Shamen" (Yeshayah 5:1). Mishpat goes in the land to guard civil life, which is good, sweet life.


What do we learn from "u'Tzdakah la'Aretz Hinichu"?


Radak: They do not do Tzedakah. Rather, they leave it on the ground. They are not concerned for it. They did not remember that "Ose Chimah u'Chesil" (8) ? He does with them Mishpat and Tzedakah in the land, and teaches people to do so also ? "Ani Hashem Oseh Chesed Mishpat u'Tzedakah ba'Aretz Ki v'Eleh Chafatzi Ne'um Hashem" (Yirmeyah 9:23).


Malbim: Tzedakah will bear wing to Shamayim, to find happiness of the Nefesh, which is Bas Elokim ? Divine spirituality. They left Tzedakah on the ground ? they consider it a physical matter that is not esteemed at all, since they do not believe in the eternity of the Nefesh and its Kedushah.

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