
Why does it say "Ki Yadati"?


Radak: Do not think that I do not see and know your evil deeds. I know everything! The bribes that you take covertly, to afflict the innocent and harm him ? the ransom that you take to save a Rasha from his liability to his opponent in judgment?


Why does it mention "Pish'eichem" and "Chatoseichem"?


Malbim: Pesha is rebellion. Chet is due to desire and benefit, not amidst intent to rebel. Pesha is always more Atzum (awesome) than Chet, due to intent to rebel. Chet is always greater (in quantity) than Pesha, for it is usually due to desire and the Yetzer ha'Ra. Only rarely it is in order to anger and rebel 1 . However, also your Pesha'im are numerous, and your Chata'im are awesome in quality.


If so, it is Pesha! This requires investigation. (PF)


What are "Tzorerei Tzadik"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: [People] who pain the virtuous.


Radak: Tilting the judgment against a Tzadik, it is not for desires and benefit, rather, because they pain Tzadikim. Via their rebellion, they love extortionists and Resha'im, and hate the straight and victims of theft. They obligate the innocent even without a bribe! They have constant Pesha.


Who are "Lokechei Kofer"?


Radak: They take bribes for their benefit. This is not only in monetary cases ? they take Kofer (ransom, to exempt the liable) in capital cases ? "v'Lo Sikchu Chofer l'Nefesh Rotze'ach" (Bamidbar 35:31). Even though they do so for monetary benefit, the sin is awesome in quality ? it obligates the land with blood.


What do we learn from "v'Evyonim ba'Sha'ar Hitu"?


Rashi: In the gates of your Batei Din, they tilted the judgment of the poor.


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words. Evyonim are usually vindicated in their judgment, for they are oppressed and they do not oppress, for they lack power to oppress. Judges sat in the gate ? "ha'Sharah El ha'Zekenim" (Devarim 25:7).


Malbim: An Evyon has no money. His case is not monetary, rather, a capital case, or for wounds [that others inflicted on him]. The judges take Kofer, and tilt the verdict of the victim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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