
Why did he say "ha'Elokim Ani"?


Rashi: There is a Patach under the Hei (and not a Kamatz); this shows that it is said in astonishment.


Why did he discuss killing and reviving?


Malbim: A Metzora is like a Mes. He claims that I struck him, and asks me to revive (cure) him.


Why was he so distraught? He can send Na'aman to the Navi. He knows that Hashem does wonders via the Navi!


Radak: He was embarrassed to go in front of the Navi to tell him to pray to Hashem for [Na'aman], since the king did not heed the Navi to abandon idolatry.


What is the meaning of "Mis'aneh"?


Rashi: He seeks a To'enah (pretext) to fight me. It is an expression of (Devarim 22:14) "Alilos" (false claims). Radak - he asks from me things that I cannot do, in order to fight with me 1 . At this time, there was Shalom between them.


If he wanted to fight, he should attack immediately before Yisrael knows to prepare to defend themselves! Malbim (Shoftim 11:12) - normally, in a war between kings, there is a claim. Usually they can compromise before going to war. (Since his request was impossible, he assumed that he merely wants to fight. - PF)

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