
Why does it say "Shim'u"?


Radak: The Navi prophesizes punishments for residents of Iyim (places far away); he tells them to hear, as if they were close. He had several prophesies about several times, and prophesized about Bavel, Mo'av, Damesek, Egypt, Dumah, Tzor and Tzidon.


Malbim: From 43:14 until here, it discussed Ge'ulas Bavel. Now it begins discussing the future redemption.


What is "me'Rachok"?


Malbim: It will be at the end of days.


Why does it say "mi'Beten Kar'ani"?


Rashi: From when I was in the womb, Hashem intended that my name be Yeshayah, to prophesize Yeshu'os (salvations) and consolations.


Radak: Do not be astounded if I have dire prophesies for you. I am designated for Nevu'ah from the womb. This is like I explained "Poshe'a mi'Beten" (48:8; refer to 48:8:7:3).


Malbim: He designated me for prophecy about the redemption. Refer to 49:1:4:1.


Why does it say "mi'Beten" and "mi'Me'ei Imi"?


Malbim: Initially the fetus is in Me'ei Imo. Afterwards, when he grows some, he goes from the Me'ayim to the Beten above. While in the Beten, before going outside, Hashem called me and commanded me to prophesized to Yisrael. And even before, while in the Me'ayim, before my form was fixed, Hashem already mentioned my name, t `I will be prepared for Shelichus. This was when the semen was absorbed. To attain prophecy, one needs natural preparation, and preparation of habit - regularly doing Mitzvos and good deeds. His nature was prepared from the time of conception, and he prepared himself via his choice when he left the Me'ayim, even though he did not yet leave the Beten. This is like it says in Yirmeyah, like I explained there (refer to Yirmeyah 1:5:3:2).

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