
Why does our verse repeat "in the cave;" the preceding verse (49:29) already said "to the cave"?


Gur Aryeh (to 49:29): To fulfill the first verse, "to the cave," they might think it sufficient to bury Yaakov in its vicinity. Our verse makes it clear that he should be buried in the Me'aras ha'Machpelah itself.


Why did Yaakov see fit to mention the fact that Avraham had acquired Me'aras ha'Machpelah?


Seforno: Because they had spent many years in Egypt, and with the passing of time, were likely to have forgotten the details concerning its acquisition from Efron and the Bnei Cheis. Moreover, he added, both he and two generations before him had buried their dead there and nobody could possibly object when they came to bury him there. 1


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim: Yaakov clarified all possible uncertainties - in what field the cave is found; that no one will protest; for Avraham bought it; he bought it from the Nasi (Efron), so the sale cannot be contested; and it was sold as a burial-plot. They cannot say that no Chazakah was made, for they buried Avraham there. They cannot say that they could not protest against their Nasi, for he bought "me'Es Bnei Cheis."


Ha'amek Davar: It is better to be buried in a place that one bought, than in a place received as a gift. It is not pleasant for a Tzadik to be buried in a grave that is not his (Bava Basra 112a). Normally we do not relocate a [buried] Mes, but we may, even from an honored place to a disgraced place, in order to bury in a place that he owns, for this is his honor (Semachos 13:7).


Refer to 49:30:2:2 and 49:31:3:1.


Why did Yaakov add the words "la'Achuzas Kaver"?


Ramban: To teach us that it was Avraham who issued the command to maintain the Me'aras ha'Machpelah as a permanent burial-plot.


Rashbam: Since it was sold as a burial-plot, nobody could possibly object when they came to bury him there. 1


Malbim: Do not say that he bought it only to bury Sarah, but was not allowed to make it a cemetery for other burials.


Refer to 49:30:1:1.


Why, when they actually buried Yaakov, does the Torah repeat the acquisition of Me'aras ha'Machpelah (50:13)?


Ramban (to 49:31): The Torah is coming to teach us that Avraham purchased the cave on behalf of the three Avos and Imahos exclusively, and when Yaakov was buried, the issue was closed and nobody else was allowed to be buried there. 1


Ramban (citing Mechilta): Which explains why, when Yosef instructed his brothers to bury him in Eretz Kena'an, he did not ask them to bury him there. (Also refer to 48:22:1:1**).


What is the significance of the word "Machpelah"?


Ha'amek Davar: It says Machpelah regarding the valley, the field, and the cave itself ("Asher ba'Machpelah," "Sedei ha'Machpelah" (23:17, 19) and "Me'aras ha'Machpelah"). There Kaflu (was folded) Kedushas ha'Avos. They were 'open' in their lifetimes - we learn from every travel and conversation of theirs. Their Kedushah was folded and hidden in death, like a Sefer Torah. We use a Kosher Sefer; it is open. A disqualified Sefer is folded and buried. Avraham, the head of the Avos, is "ha'Adam ha'Gadol ba'Anakim" (Yehoshua 15:14), his Kedushah spread most; it is most constricted in his death, and confined to the cave (Me'aras ha'Machpelah). Regarding Sarah and Yaakov the verses say "the field of Machpelah." 1


Gur Aryeh, Maharal: Refer to 50:5:1.1:4. 2


Ha'amek Davar: Yaakov specified the place, even though they knew where his fathers were buried. He taught them why he is adamant to be buried there, for a pleasant spirit after death. He specified the cave, to teach that a place with a spiritual Segulah is better for burial. we infer that Eretz Yisrael is preferable for burial. Also a place that was a dwelling place for Torah is good for burial (Kesuvos 111a); Rashi says that the merit of Torah protects.


See 50:5:1.1 for more regarding the significance of the city of Chevron, and of the Me'aras ha'Machpelah.


Why did Yaakov need to say that it was "Al Penei Mamrei"?


Malbim (to 49:29-30): This indicates the region and city. Now, the name of Efron (the original owner) was forgotten, so he needed to identify it in another way.

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