
Why does Yaakov use the expression "Ne'esaf El Ami" to describe his death?


Rashi: Because when he died, his soul would be gathered in 1 to join the souls of his fathers.


Ohr ha'Chayim: In Misah of Tzadikim, the Nefesh is gathered within the Mechitzos (confines) of Tzadikim whose souls are bound in the bond of life (connection to Hashem). Until now, the Nefesh was outside their Mechitzah, confined in physicality.


Malbim (to 49:28): Initially, these Berachos [that Yaakov gave] were contained in him, and did not need to be divided to 12 conduits. Now that the source will expire, he needs to join the 12 springs and water basins to be one. A Midrash says, I merited for you; you merited in me. If not, when I depart, I go to myself - "Ani Ne'esaf El Ami." I.e. he blessed them with the influence of all Berachos, until they were in place of him to be "Me'onah Elokei Kedem" (Devarim 33:27) (the dwelling of Hashem). Then they merited the essence of Yaakov; his essence and Kedushah was planted in his seed. Had they not merited, the Kedushah of Yaakov would have separated, and there would be no Merkavah for the Shechinah of Hashem.


Rashi: As opposed to the usual meaning of 'Asifah,' gathering many things together. See for example Devarim 22:2.


What are the connotations of the two times the word "El" is used ("Kivru Osi El Avosai, El ha'Me'arah") in the Pasuk?


Ramban #1: Yaakov meant that when his sons would bury him, they should carry him 1 to his fathers to the cave (of Machpelah).


Ramban #2: He meant that they should bury him with 2 his fathers in 3 the cave....


Ha'amek Davar: "El" implies completion of the purpose. This was the purpose of this burial field from the six days of Creation, that the Avos should be buried there! Also his fathers wanted that all three of them be buried together; this will complete their desire.


Ramban: As is mentioned specifically with regard to Yaakov's burial on a number of occasions (see earlier 47:30, and later 50:13), even though it is not mentioned here.


A usage of "El" we find in Vayikra 18:18. This is like Rashi explains; refer to 49:21:3.1.


As in Shemos 25:21. This seems to concur with Targum Onkelos' translation.


Having already instructed Yosef to bury him in the Me'aras ha'Machpelah (at the beginning of the Parshah, 47:30), why did Yaakov find it necessary to repeat the command to his other sons?


Ramban #1 (citing Ibn Ezra): He wanted his other sons to participate in the Mitzvah of burying him.


Ramban #2: He instructed them all to bury him, because he was afraid that Pharaoh would not grant Yosef permission to leave Egypt. 1


Ohr ha'Chayim: They should not think that only Yosef is obligated. Yaakov did not need to make the others swear, for they would do like he said, like I explained regarding Yosef (refer to 47:30:153). 2


Ramban: A fear that proved justified, when ultimately, Yosef had to plead with the members of Pharaoh's household to persuade him (See 50:4), and when even then, it was only with great difficulty that Pharaoh eventually conceded to his request (See Rashi to Bereishis 50:6).


Even so, Yaakov insisted that Yosef swear! Ohr ha'Chayim (to 47:31) explained that the Shevu'ah would pacify Yaakov, or he had a hidden reason. We can say that [after Yosef swore], there was no need for the others to swear. (PF)


What did Yaakov command them?


Malbim: It was the command of a Shechiv Mera (one who fears lest he die soon). He commanded about all matters of their conduct. These were not written here; but it says below, "va'Ya'asu Vanav Lo, Ken Ka'asher Tzivam" (50:12). 1


Ohr ha'Chayim understands that this applies to more than burial in Me'aras ha'Machpelah, which is written after that verse. (PF)



Rashi writes: "'[Bury me] unto my fathers' - [i.e.,] with my fathers." Why does Rashi need to explain this?


Gur Aryeh: The term "El" (to) implies from point A to point B; thus, 'bury me to my fathers' is incorrect syntax. Rashi explains that the word "El," in this case, means "with."


Rashi writes: "'Unto my fathers' - [i.e.,] with my fathers." If so, let the Torah write the word 'with'?


Gur Aryeh: Yaakov was now addressing all of his sons (not just Yosef). Had the verse said, 'bury me with my fathers,' they might have thought that their obligation was limited to the burial itself -- whereas transporting him all the way to Kena'an would fall upon Yosef alone. 1 Yaakov used the term "to," making all the sons responsible 2 to ensure that he was brought there.


Gur Aryeh: As Yaakov had indeed commanded Yosef earlier, "u'Nesani mi'Mitzrayim" (47:30).


If so, Rashi also alludes to what Ramban writes (see 49:29:3).

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