
What is the connection between the three parts of this Pasuk?


Rashi: Zevulun were merchants, whose ships carried merchandise to foreign countries, predominantly to Tzidon, their northern neighbors (who were a nation of traders).


Rashbam: The people would go down to the port to purchase the goods that the ships of Zevulun brought back from overseas, 1 predominantly from Tzidon (who were a nation of traders).


Seforno: They would take their merchandise (a type of fish, Chilazon and white glass 2 ) across the sea by ship to the shores of other countries.


Targum Onkelos: They captured territories in their ships, and took 'the best of the sea' as spoil; and their territory extended as far as Tzidon. 3


See Rashbam.


Seforno: They obtained these commodities from the seas and the sand of their territory (see Megilah 6a).


Targum Yonasan explains the Pasuk virtually in the same way. It is not clear how this is possible, seeing as Tzor (Tyre) lay in between Yisrael and Tzidon. (EC) See the book "Erkah Shel Eretz Yisrael" by Rabbi Yehudah Landy, Ch. 21, pp. 137-140 -- The verses in Yehoshua 19:10-16 seem to map out Zevulun's portion as landlocked in the Lower Galilee, with no direct contact to the sea at all! Rabbi Landy discusses various approaches to this problem. (CS)


Why did Yaakov bless Zevulun before his older brother, Yisachar?


Rashi and Seforno: Zevulun traded with nations, and shared his income with Yisachar, 1 thereby enabling Yisachar to study Torah. Since Yisachar was able to immerse himself in Torah thanks to Zevulun, 2 Yaakov gave him precedence. 3 Ha'amek Davar - Menasheh, on the other hand, did not finance Efrayim, so Yaakov did not put him before Efrayim.


Following a pact that the two brothers entered into (See also Seforno).


Seforno: As the Mishnah says in Pirkei Avos (3:17), 'Im Ein Kemach Ein Torah.'


Taking his cue from Yaakov, Moshe did the same thing (see Devarim 32:18).


Why does it say "[l'Chof Yamim Yishkon,] v'Hu l'Chof Oniyos"?


Da'as Zekenim: Ships do not want to enter ports far from the city, for then they must carry the merchandise a long way. Zevulun's cities were close to the ports.


Malbim: Zevulun's land was not fit for grain fields, and Zevulun's nature was to sail for business (Pesachim 4a). They will build ports for ships on the shore.


Ha'amek Davar: Do not say that Zevulun dwells on the shore for fishing, or for sand (e.g. to make glass), which is a trifling income. Rather, it is for business via ships.


What is the meaning of "v'Yarchaso Al Tzidon"?


Ha'amek Davar: The place where he rests his leg, i.e. to draw income from there, is near Tzidon, which was a place of great merchants - "Socher Tzidon Over Yam Mil'uch" (Yeshayah 23:2). Zevulun would regularly sail to there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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