
Why must it say both "Gadol" and "Mehulal"?


Malbim: Not every Gadol is Mehulal. Sometimes, due to one's greatness, he does not pay attention to those lower than himself, and people do not praise his deeds. However, where you find Hashem's greatness, you find His humility. He Himself is great, and He is praised due to His humility, to supervise everything.


Is Hashem Mehulal only in His city?!


Malbim: Normally, one is Mehulal only from afar, for those who are close see that he is not so praiseworthy. Hashem is Mehulal [even and] especially in His city, due to His Hashgachah there, especially on Har Kodsho. Refer to 48:4:2:2.


What is "Ir Elokeinu"?


Rashi: It is Yerushalayim, when it will be built.

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