
Why does it say "Diminu Elokim Chasdecha"?


Rashi: The Navi prays and says 'we hoped for Your Chesed, to see Your salvation in Your Heichal.' Radak - this is like "Domu 1 Ad Hagi'enu Aleichem" (Shmuel I, 14:9).


Rashi citing Menachem: It is an expression of thought, like "Al Tedami b'Nafshech" (Esther 4:13). Radak - we thought in our hearts when the nations fought against us, that Your Chesed, which is in Your Heichal, will save us.


Malbim: Until now, we had no image of Din and Mishpat, only Chesed, in Your Heichal.


Seemingly, there it is an expression of being quiet or waiting. Radak there explained that it is to wait! (PF)

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