
What is the meaning of "Tenu Tzitz l'Mo'av"?


Rashi: Give a wing 1 to Mo'av. Everything that hangs and sticks out from a person or animal is called Tzitz, e.g. "v'Hayah Lachem l'Tzitzis" (Bamidbar 15:39), "va'Yikacheni b'Tzitzis Roshi" (Yechezkel 8:3).


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Give to others the crown 2 of Mo'av.


Malbim: Hashem gives to Mo'av sprouting, that it will be able to sprout again, only if it will leave and flee. Via this, "a bud will emerge" and it will sprout, but not if it leaves people in the cities to tend fields and vineyards, for "its cities will be desolate."


Radak: The Targum of "Senapir" (Vayikra 11:9) is Tzitzin. Chazal (Chulin 59a) say that Senapir is [fins], with which it swims. Give a wing to Mo'av so it can fly and leave its land quickly.


Radak: "Tzitz" is like "Tzitz ha'Zahav" (Vayikra 8:9).


What is the meaning of "Natzo Tetzei"?


Rashi citing Menachem: With flight and haste you will go out to exile. "Natzo" is based on Natzah (flying 1 ). The same applies to "Natzu Gam Na'u" (Eichah 4:15).


Radak: A bird flies via the Notzah (feathers). Therefore, going quickly is compared to the wing feathers. Natzo is Makor (like an infinitive); the Aleph is in place of a Hei.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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