
What is the meaning of "Alah Elokim bi'Sru'ah"?


Rashi (5): [After He will return us to our inheritance,] we will sound the Shofar in song with offering Olos and Shelamim.


Radak #1: Now He will be elevated over everything - "Arum ba'Goyim" (46:11), "Hashem Elyon Nora" (47:3).


Radak #2: When they sound the Shofar, the Aron will rise from where it was buried. The Aron is called Elokim - "Asher Nikra Shem Shem Hashem Tzevakos" (Shmuel II, 6:2); it is called Shem because "Shem Hashem Tzevakos Yoshev ha'Keruvim Alav." It is called Elokim because Kevod Elokim is seen on it. And so they said "va'Yhi bi'Nso'a ha'Aron


Why does it say "Hashem b'Kol Shofar"?


Malbim: Sometimes He conducts via Shem Havayah (miraculously). This is for Yisrael; He is called Malkeinu, Go'alenu, Elokei Yisrael or similar names. Through Teru'ah, Shem Havayah is elevated to conduct via greater and more constant miracles than before.

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