
If Yosef's brothers were "Anshei Chayil" - mighty soldiers, why would that qualify them to look after Pharaoh's flock?


Rashi: "Anshei Chayil' means (not men of war, but) experts in their field (of shepherding). 1


Riva #1: "Sarei Mikneh" indeed refers to officers, who have Kin'ah (jealousy) of each other.


Riva #2: Because Egypt cherished and deified the animals, mighty men were needed.


Gur Aryeh (citing Mizrachi): Rashi explains this way, because the end of the verse shows that Pharaoh did not want them as soldiers. Rather, he said, "you shall appoint them as 'Sarei Mikneh' (chief shepherds) over my [sheep]."


Above, Rashi (to 46:34) said that the Egyptians despised shepherds. If so, why did Pharaoh ask them to be shepherds for him?


Moshav Zekenim (to 46:32): Initially, Pharaoh assumed that they worshipped Tzon, like he does. When he realized that they do not, he distanced them.


Here it connotes that Goshen is the best part of Egypt, and so said Rashi (to 45:18). But Kesuvos (112a) and Rashi (to Bamidbar 13:22) say that Tzo'an was the best part!


Chizkuni: Pharaoh said, put your father in Tzo'an. It is a serene place for an old person, with good air. Settle your brothers in Goshen, which is best for pasture. 1


Maskil l'David: When Yisrael were in Goshen, it was blessed and it was the best part.


Ohr ha'Chayim: (Goshen is not the best.) Yosef [and his brothers] hinted that they wanted to be in Goshen. Pharaoh had promised (45:18) to give to them the best part of Egypt. He said now, I still offer you the best part of Egypt; but if you prefer Goshen, you may be there.


Even though the Trup connotes that Yaakov and the brothers are together, we find exceptions like this (Chizkuni). Maskil l'David connotes that all were together. Tzo'an was best in some ways, e.g. for trees and air, therefore they raised kings there (Kesuvos 112a, from Yeshayahu 30:4). Goshen was best for pasture. Moshav Zekenim understood that Tzo'an was the best part for pasture. He left this question difficult.



Rashi writes: "'Over mine' - [i.e.] over my sheep." How else might I have explained this?


Gur Aryeh (citing Mizrachi): Pharaoh did not mean that they should be placed in charge of all his possessions; he wanted them as "Sarei Mikneh" (chief shepherds).

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