
What is the meaning of "v'Shachavti Im Avosai"?


Rashi: It means - following Yaakov's request that Yosef should swear that he would bury him in Kena'an - 'As for me, I am about to die (to join my fathers in death).' 1


Rashi: It cannot mean "lay me with my fathers" (i.e. in the cave),' since the Pasuk writes almost immediately, "and bury me in their grave." In fact, the same expression is used in connection with David ha'Melech in Melachim I 2:10.


Why does the Torah not relate that Yosef placed his hand underneath his father's thigh, as he had been requested?


Targum Yonasan: Because he considered doing that to his father a lack of Kibud Av. 1


Moshav Zekenim (to 47:29): One may not bathe with his father, and all the more so one may not put his hand on his father's Ever! 2


Hadar Zekenim (to 47:29): Yosef did not want to do so, due to "v'Lo Yegaleh Kenaf Aviv" (Devarim 23:1). He swore without putting his hand there.


Ha'amek Davar: Yosef did not do so, for it was below his honor. [He said,] According to my level, my promise suffices.


See Perush Yonasan. But refer to 24:2:1:2.


How can it be that Yosef knew this, but Yaakov did not?! (PF)


How can Nazir 65a learn from "u'Nesasani" that a Mes acquires the earth in which it was buried, and one must take the earth with it? Yaakov was never buried in Egypt!


Moshav Zekenim: Yaakov meant, do not bury me in Egypt, lest you need to take the earth with me afterwards. Ha'amek Davar - The Gemara expounds this, for the word is extra.


Why did Yosef say, "I will do like your words;" [and not, 'I will do so']?


Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim, citing a Midrash: I will do similarly before dying, and command my brothers to take me from Egypt [and bury me in Eretz Yisrael].


Da'as Zekenim: Rashi (to Shemos 3:18) says that both Yaakov and Yosef gave a tradition regarding the formula "Pakod Yifkod." The Torah explicitly that Yosef said so (50:24,25). Since Yosef said, "I will do like your words," we infer that Yaakov said this as well.


Why did Yosef say "I will do like your words," rather than swearing like Yaakov requested? Eliezer simply swore like Avraham requested!


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: Yosef said, I need not swear; I am prepared to do like you said.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: Yosef said, I need not swear, for I am commanded to do so, for I am your son, or because you command due to [impending] death. I prefer to do Chesed willingly!


Malbim: It is better that I not swear and do so due to Mitzvas Kivud Av; then the act is more complete. If I swear, I am forced; it is not considered that I did it willingly.



Rashi writes: "'And [when] I shall lie with my forefathers' - This returns us to what was stated above...." Why is bothering Rashi?


Gur Aryeh: The phrase 'to lie with one's forefathers' is a euphemism for death. But the previous verse already said, "do not bury me in Egypt" (47:29); obviously it is already referring to after he passes away! If so, this phrase returns earlier to the verse above - "Please swear... that when I pass away, you will carry me out of Egypt...."

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