
What does the verse teach about the Nasi's gift to his son?


Radak: If in his lifetime he will give a gift to one of his sons, it will last forever. It is his inheritance; it will be to his sons after he dies. He similarly bequeaths to them after his death.


Malbim: This is unlike a gift that returns in Yovel. Rather, it is an inheritance; it will be to the sons of the son [who received the gift].It will not return to the recipient's brothers in Yovel.


What do we learn from "Achuzasam Hi b'Nachalah"?


Malbim: This is why the gift does not return in Yovel, for even without the gift, his son would have inherited him. Even though we hold that brothers who divide an inheritance are like buyers (and they return to each other in Yovel), in any case he receives property equal to what he returned. Therefore, it is like an inheritance.

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