
What is the connection to Tavor and Karmel?


Rashi: Just like truly, Tavor is fixed in the mountain, and Karmel by the sea, so truly 1 this matter will come on Egypt.


Radak citing his father: Just like Tavor is designated for hunting and setting traps - "v'Reshes Perushah Al Tavor" (Hoshe'a 5:1), fixed in the mountain, so they will trap [the Egyptians]. Just like the trees of Karmel, which they bring on the sea, so they will bring [the Egyptians] in captivity.


Malbim: Just like Tavor is among the mountains, and Karmel is near the sea 2 , but Tavor cannot come among the mountains near it, and Karmel cannot enter the sea, for Hashem fixed that [each] not leave its place, so Pharaoh, even though he is close to the place of war, will not leave his place and will not come.


Radak: Targum Yonasan is like this, but concludes 'so will come its [Egypt's] breakage.'


Malbim citing Shabbos 35a: Like the time for one to leave the sun on top of Har ha'Karmel (close to sunset) and descend to the sea to immerse, so is the duration of Bein ha'Shemashos.

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